5 Top Handless Breast Pumps

What are Handless Breast Pumps?

The journey of motherhood is filled with love, joy, and countless responsibilities. For many new moms, breastfeeding is a cherished bonding experience with their babies.

Finding time to balance caring for your baby and attending to other responsibilities can be challenging as a new mom. That’s where handless/hands-free breast pumps come in handy.

Imagine being able to pump milk for your baby while still having your hands free to multitask, whether catching up on work, preparing a meal, or simply enjoying some much-needed downtime.

Hands-free breast pumps offer the convenience and flexibility that modern moms need to juggle their busy schedules while ensuring their little ones get the nourishment they need.

A breast pump can range from about $15 to $550, depending on the level of technology and functionality.

This article will explore the wonderful world of hands-free breast pumps, discussing why they’re essential for busy mothers and how they can revolutionize your breastfeeding experience.

Get ready to discover a new level of convenience and freedom in your breastfeeding journey!

Overview of Hands-Free Breast Pumps:

Hands-free breast pumps are innovative devices that make pumping milk easier and more convenient for multitasking moms.

Unlike traditional breast pumps that require holding the pump in place manually, hands-free pumps allow mothers to pump milk without using their hands, freeing them up to attend to other tasks while expressing milk.

The evolution of breast pump technology has led to the development of hands-free pumps, addressing the needs of busy breastfeeding mothers.

These pumps utilize advanced mechanisms and ergonomic designs to provide efficient and comfortable milk expression experiences.

With hands-free breast pumps, moms can pump discreetly and efficiently, whether working, running errands, or simply taking care of household chores.

The convenience offered by hands-free pumps empowers mothers to maintain their milk supply and provide nourishment for their babies without interrupting their daily activities.

Top Handless Breast Pumps

When it comes to handless breast pumps, mothers seeking convenience and flexibility have a variety of top contenders to consider.

Each pump offers unique features designed to streamline the pumping experience, allowing mothers to multitask while providing nourishment for their babies.

One standout option is The Elvie Pump, known for its wearable design and near-silent operation. This discreet pump eliminates the need for external tubes or wires, enabling mothers to pump efficiently and safely.

However, its higher price point and limited storage capacity may challenge some users.

The Willow Pump presents another compelling choice, featuring spill-proof bags and intelligent technology for monitoring milk volume. While its compact design and mobile app integration offer unparalleled convenience, users may need help with setup and occasional leakage.

Freemie Liberty offers a discreet pumping solution with hands-free cups that fit seamlessly inside a bra. Though bulkier than other models, it allows for inconspicuous pumping in public settings and is compatible with most major breast pump brands.

The Spectra Baby S1 Plus delivers hospital-grade suction levels and a closed system for optimal hygiene for those prioritizing performance.

However, it requires users to hold the flanges in place during pumping sessions, detracting somewhat from its hands-free capabilities.

Lastly, The Medela Freestyle Flex combines portability with two-phase expression technology and Bluetooth connectivity. While it is user-friendly and comfortable, it may produce more noise than other models and comes with a higher price tag.

A Detailed Review Of 5 Top Handless Breast Pumps

Let’s delve into detailed reviews of each hands-free breast pump to give readers a comprehensive understanding of their features and functionality:

Elvie Pump

The Elvie Pump stands out for its revolutionary wearable design, allowing mothers to pump discreetly anytime, anywhere. Its compact, tubeless design fits seamlessly into a bra, providing hands-free pumping without needing external tubes or wires.

It operates as a whisper-quiet pump, ensuring discretion in public settings or during nighttime pumping sessions. The Elvie Pump features customizable suction levels and an intuitive mobile app for monitoring milk volume and tracking pumping sessions.

While its convenience is unmatched, it is pricey and has limited capacity compared to other models.

Good Stuff:

  • You can wear it and pump without anyone knowing.
  • It’s quiet and doesn’t make much noise.
  • You can control how strong it pumps; an app keeps track.
  • It’s small and fits nicely under your clothes.

Not So Good Stuff:

  • It’s more expensive than some others.
  • You might need to empty it often because it doesn’t hold much.

Willow Pump

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The Willow Pump offers unparalleled mobility and convenience with its spill-proof, wearable design. Its compact, all-in-one system eliminates the need for external tubing or bottles, making it ideal for on-the-go pumping.

It has intelligent technology, which automatically adjusts suction levels based on milk flow and offers real-time monitoring via a user-friendly mobile app.

Despite initial setup challenges and occasional concerns about leakage, the Willow Pump’s innovative design and compatibility with various breast sizes make it a popular choice among busy mothers seeking flexibility in their breastfeeding journey.

Good Stuff:

  • It won’t spill, even if you move around a lot.
  • It’s bright and adjusts how hard it pumps based on your milk flow.
  • It’s small and doesn’t have many extra parts.
  • You can watch how much milk you make on your phone.

Not So Good Stuff:

  • Some people say setting up is hard.
  • Sometimes, it might leak a little.

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Freemie Liberty

The Freemie Liberty introduces a discreet, hands-free pumping solution with its concealed pump system and portable cups that fit comfortably inside a bra.

Its lightweight, compact design allows users to pump discreetly in public or while multitasking at home. The Freemie Liberty boasts compatibility with most major breast pump brands, offering flexibility for mothers who prefer specific pump models.

While it may be bulkier and has some issues with cup fit, its convenience and versatility make it a practical choice for busy lifestyles.

Spectra Baby S1 Plus

The Spectra Baby S1 Plus is renowned for its hospital-grade performance and advanced features, including adjustable suction levels and a closed system for optimal hygiene.

Its powerful motor and customizable settings allow mothers to mimic the natural breastfeeding experience and maximize milk production.

Its quiet operation and comfortable pumping experience, particularly during nighttime sessions, are commendable.

However, the Spectra Baby S1 Plus must improve hands-free operation, as you need to hold the flanges during pumping sessions.

Despite this limitation, its reliability and efficiency make it a preferred choice for mothers prioritizing performance and functionality.

Medela Freestyle Flex

The Medela Freestyle Flex combines portability with innovative technology, featuring a compact design and two-phase expression for efficient milk extraction.

Its Bluetooth connectivity enables seamless integration with a mobile app, allowing users to track pumping sessions and monitor milk volume remotely.

The Medela Freestyle Flex offers a comfortable pumping experience with customizable suction levels and intuitive controls.

However, it is noisier than other models, which may be a consideration for those seeking discretion during pumping sessions.

Despite this drawback, its user-friendly interface and reliable performance make it a popular choice among mothers looking for a versatile hands-free pump.

Pros and Cons of These Handless Pumps

Let’s compare these hands-free breast pumps, looking at what’s good and not so good about each one:

Freemie Liberty:

Good Stuff:

  • You can pump without anyone noticing because the cups fit inside your bra.
  • It’s light and easy to carry around.
  • It works with most other breast pump brands.

Not So Good Stuff:

  • It’s bigger than other pumps.
  • Some people say the cups don’t fit well.

Spectra Baby S1 Plus:

Good Stuff:

  • It pumps well and can be as strong as those used in hospitals.
  • It keeps everything clean and germ-free.
  • It’s quiet, so it won’t bother you or others.

Not So Good Stuff:

  • You must hold it while pumping.
  • It’s not as hidden as some other pumps.

Medela Freestyle Flex:

Good Stuff:

  • You can take it because it connects to your phone.
  • It works fast and gets lots of milk out.
  • You can make it pump just right for you.

Not So Good Stuff:

  • It can be noisy.
  • It might cost more than some others.

Thinking about what’s important to you, like being quiet or easy to use, can help you pick the best pump for you and your baby.

Consider The Following When Choosing A Handless Pump

When choosing a hands-free breast pump, several considerations can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your pumping needs, lifestyle preferences, and budget:

Pumping Needs:

  • Assess your pumping frequency and duration to determine the type of pump that best suits your lifestyle. For example, a durable and efficient pump may be essential if you plan to pump frequently or exclusively.
    • Consider your milk supply and whether you need a pump with adjustable suction levels to accommodate changes in milk flow or sensitivity.

Lifestyle Preferences:

  • Evaluate your daily routine and activities to determine the portability and discretion you require from a hands-free pump. A compact and discreet pump may be preferable if you’re frequently on the go or need to pump in public settings.
    • Consider your comfort level with technology and whether features like Bluetooth connectivity or mobile app integration are essential for tracking pumping sessions and milk output.


  • Set a realistic budget based on your financial constraints and the features you prioritize in a breast pump. While premium pumps may offer advanced functionalities, budget-friendly options that meet basic pumping needs are available.
    • Factor in long-term costs, including accessories, replacement parts, and potential maintenance expenses, when evaluating the overall value of a pump.

Pump Features:

  • Evaluate the pump’s suction strength and cycling patterns to ensure they mimic a baby’s natural nursing rhythm and promote efficient milk extraction.
    • Consider the pump’s battery life and charging options, especially if you plan to pump away from power sources or need extended pumping sessions.
    • Look for pumps with easy-to-clean components and dishwasher-safe parts to simplify maintenance and ensure optimal hygiene.
    • Check compatibility with breastfeeding bras, garments, or accessories to ensure a secure and comfortable fit during pumping sessions.

Helpful Tips For Your Pumping Journey:

Using hands-free breast pumps can significantly enhance the convenience and efficiency of your pumping journey.

Here are some practical tips to help you make the most of these innovative devices:

Optimal Pump Placement:

  • Position the breast pump flanges correctly to ensure a comfortable and secure fit over your breasts.
  • Adjust the flanges to align with your nipple placement for efficient suction and milk extraction.

Selecting the Right Bra:

  • Invest in a hands-free pumping bra to securely hold the breast pump flanges.
  • Choose a bra that provides adequate support and easy access to the pump controls.

Maintaining Hygiene:

  • Prioritize cleanliness by washing your hands thoroughly before handling the breast pump or expressing milk.
  • Regularly clean and sanitize pump parts according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to prevent contamination.

Comfortable Settings:

  • Experiment with suction strength and cycling patterns to find settings that mimic your baby’s natural nursing rhythm.
  • Gradually increase suction levels to a comfortable yet practical point to optimize milk flow.

Integrating Pumping into Routines:

  • Incorporate pumping sessions into your daily routine, such as during breaks at work or while engaging in other activities.
  • Use hands-free pumping for multitasking, whether catching up on emails, reading, or enjoying a moment of relaxation.

Troubleshooting Issues:

  • Be attentive to any discomfort or pain during pumping and adjust the suction or flange size accordingly.
  • If you experience low milk output, check for proper flange fit and try breast massage or compression to stimulate milk flow.

Storage and Labeling:

  • Label pumped milk with the date to ensure you use the oldest milk first.
  • Store expressed milk in clean, airtight containers or breast milk storage bags designed for freezing.

Noise Management:

  • If noise is a concern, choose a hands-free pump known for its quiet operation to maintain discretion during pumping sessions.
  • Consider using noise-canceling features or listening to calming music to create a serene environment.

Regular Pump Maintenance:

  • Periodically check pump components for wear and tear and replace any damaged parts promptly.
  • Keep spare parts on hand, such as valves and membranes, to avoid disruptions in your pumping routine.

To Wrap It Up,

Yummy Mummy, as you embark on this beautiful journey of motherhood, remember that your well-being is just as important as your baby’s.

Embrace the convenience and freedom that hands-free breast pumps offer, and discover the empowering balance between nurturing your baby and nurturing yourself.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working professional, or somewhere in between, let these innovative tools support you in your quest to be the best mom you can be.

Choose the pump that resonates with your lifestyle, and embrace the journey ahead with confidence and grace.